Sunday 13 May 2012


Have you ever thought of falling through the sky at great speeds? It sounds exciting, right? This sport is called skydiving and consists of jumping from planes at very high heights, only helped by a parachute, or an instructor if it’s your first time. People see this extreme sport as very dangerous, but few people die. Mortality rates in the US are 1 person per 150,000 people that jump out of a plane.

There are also variants of this sport, like wing suit flying, that consists of jumping with a special suit that allows the jumper to glide, or sky surfing, that is exactly what it sounds like: surfing in the sky. A strange variant of it is called stuff jumping and consists of jumping out of a plane with, for example, a motorcycle or a rubber raft.

I encourage you to try it, but this sport is also very expensive, because you have to rent a plane and all of the equipment. In conclusion, this is a great sport full of emotions and adrenaline. Here are some videos:




  1. Oh my Good!I love this theme! It is amazing. I have always wanted to try some sport like these.

    I don't know if this only happens to me, but my relatives say that I'm crazy and I'm going to die. However, I'll try it anyway.

    Without doubt it is on my list of things I'm going to do before dying.

  2. Amazing I must say! I have seen the videos and I loved how he was surfing. It remembers me a lot to the silver surfer in the 4 fantastics.

    I would like to do it at least once in my life, but the problem is that I'm scared of altitudes.

    And apart of it, this sport could be also revolutionary in the future to create a new transport that travels in the air: the surfing sky table; it would be pretty cool! There is just one problem: getting this altitude without using an aeroplane.
