Monday 27 February 2012

Fashion in the net: Fashion blogs

Are you in a style crisis? Are you interested in the latest trends but don’t know how to pull them off? Are you tired of reading magazines that don’t give you any clue? Don’t worry, there is an answer for you in the net: Fashion Blogs!

Fashion blogs are a window to international fashion and trends in a more realistic and everyday way. Because of this, they are starting to replace magazines and become more and more popular. Fashion bloggers are becoming an important piece in the fashion system, carrying the latest fashion shows, news and the newest designer pieces to million of followers all around the globe.

If you are new in visiting fashion blogs and you are interested in them, I can tell you some of my favourites (and everyone’s favourites). One of the most important fashion bloggers right now is Chiara Feragni. This Italian student is increasing her popularity thanks to the blog she started 2 years ago. Now, you can easily see her in the first row of the New York Fashion Week shows or lauching her own shoe-line! You will like her blog because of her combinations of low-cost clothes with designers pieces, her edgy and cool style , the amazing quality of the pictures and her EVERYDAY outfit posts!

And if you are a guy and think that this keeps you away from fashion blogs you are completely wrong! Boys like Adam Gallagher (from "I Am Galla") or Andreas Wijk are taking not so popular men’s trends and Fashion shows to a street style level. What you will like from them is the gorgeous looks, their mix of vintage pieces with the latest trends and their amazing photography!

Tuesday 21 February 2012


What did you do during carnival? Did you go out with your friends? Or did you travel with your family away from your town? Are you bored of not doing anything during carnival? Here, I’m going to show you how people enjoyed their carnivals, so you will have an idea for next year!

The first option is going out with your friends. You get up early and are nervous Saturday morning, thinking about what you are going to do. Then, a friend calls you. He or she says that you are going to dress up in an incredible costume, and you are going to a party.

So this morning you don’t do any homework, you go out with your friends to prepare the costumes. Finally, you decide what you are going to be. Furthermore, you spend all afternoon getting ready for the party. When you leave your house, you realise that your costume is a zombie, or a pirate, or both: a zombie pirate. Because of that, you feel like it is in Halloween and you feel confused. But when you are at the party with your friends, you know that it is going to be the best Carnival ever!

Anther option is going out of town. For example, this Carnival, I went with my parents and some friends to ski. We went to the Pyrenees, where the closest ski resorts are. We had a very good time there. We dressed as cows, because it was the only costume that allowed us to ski. We skied every day, until the directors of the resort told us to leave, at five or six in the afternoon. During the rest of the day, we did homework or played and we all had dinner together. This is another way of enjoying Carnival. And I can guarantee that you will have a lot of fun!

Those are the options you have if you want to dress up during Carnival. On the other hand, if you don’t like costumes or Carnival’s parties, you can also enjoy this little holiday.

Some of my friends don’t like going out dressed up in strange ways, but they enjoy this long weekend, too. They meet in a house and pick a pizza and a film they all like. So they can enjoy a great afternoon all together. You can do the same. If you are alone, don’t worry, you can have fun watching a movie on the sofa, or reading a book.

So here you have, my favourite ways of enjoying a Carnival weekend. And remember, it does not matter if you are alone or not, if you like costumes or not, the important thing is that you have a great time.